Our Offices

Minneapolis - Corporate Headquarters
Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC
222 South Ninth Street, Suite 350
Minneapolis, MN 55402
(612) 334-6300 main

Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC
175 Federal Street, Suite 950
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 275-5180 main

Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC
353 W Lancaster Avenue, Suite 300
Wayne, PA 19087
(612) 334-6343 main

Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC
101 N. Wacker Dr, Suite 604
Chicago, IL 60606
(612) 334-8215 main

Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC
41 West Putnam Ave
Greenwich, CT 06830
(612) 334-6377 main

San Francisco
Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC
1808 Wedemeyer Street, Suite 130
The Presidio of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94129
(612) 334-6369 main
Other Resources:
(800) 752-1476 toll free
(612) 334-2889 trading
(612) 334-6399 fax
General Requests
- Investment Banking: ib@craig-hallum.com
- Institutional Sales: inst.sales@craig-hallum.com